Picasso: Memory-Efficient Graph Coloring Using Palettes With Applications in Quantum Computing

S. M. Ferdous, Reece Neff, Bo Peng, Salman Shuvo, Marco Minutoli, Sayak Mukherjee, Karol Kowalski, Michela Becchi, Mahantesh Halappanavar, "Picasso: Memory-Efficient Graph Coloring Using Palettes With Applications in Quantum Computing." In the proceedings of 2024 IPDPS, 2024.

Abstract: A coloring of a graph is an assignment of colors to vertices such that no two neighboring vertices have the same color. The need for memory-efficient coloring algorithms is motivated by their application in computing clique partitions of graphs arising in quantum computations where the objective is to map a large set of Pauli strings into a compact set of unitaries. We present Picasso, a randomized memory-efficient iterative parallel graph coloring algorithm with theoretical sublinear space guarantees under practical assumptions. The parameters of our algorithm provide a trade-off between coloring quality and resource consumption. To assist the user, we also propose a machine learning model to predict the coloring algorithm’s parameters considering these trade-offs. We provide a sequential and a parallel implementation of the proposed algorithm.